Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Prevent Eye Strain When Using a Computer

Prevent Eye Strain When Using a Computer

Many people are required to spend several hours every day staring at a screen as part of their jobs - and after they go home, this carries on with tablets and televisions.  

These are your body's way of telling you that your eyes need rest, so stop ignoring these signals and try these methods to reduce eye strain if you can't get away from the glare of screens:

Improve Your Posture

The way you are sitting could be the reason behind your tired eyes, according to the American Occupational Safety and Health Association. Before looking for software or hardware solutions to your problem, check if your posture is correct. In many cases, the display is either above or below eye level, which leads to incorrect posture.
If you're craning your neck or slouching to look at the screen, you're straining your eyes. Try using a laptop stand or even just a pile of books to raise the screen to eye level. If the screen is above eye level, try raising your chair to bring the screen to eye level. Once you've done this, try some apps that will further help you reduce eye strain.


The 20-20-20 rule is quite effective at reducing eye strain. Simply put, after every 20 minutes of looking at the screen, look at an object that is at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
we suggest you try a free Web app called Protect Your Vision. Here's how to use it.
1. Open the Protect Your Vision website > click 20-20-20 > select your break schedule from the drop-down menu. You may go with 20-20-20 (recommended) or 60-5 (five-minute break every hour) or Custom (where you can choose the duration of each break and the interval between breaks).

2. Once your break schedule is selected, click the black button labelled "Request permission and test notification" Allow (Chrome) or Show for this session (Firefox) , Start PYV. The website requires desktop notifications because that's how it reminds you to take a break.

3. Now a timer will appear, showing you the time till your next break. You may disable sound notifications by clicking the volume icon next to the timer. Once you see a notification, click it and then click Start break. Now your screen will turn dark for the duration of the break. You should look at a point at least 20 feet away. Alternatively, you may click Start Eyes Gymnastics on your screen and the app shows you some eye exercises that you can quickly go through to reduce eye strain.

Protect Your Vision is a nice app but if you want something that automatically darkens your screen every 20 minutes.

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