Apple CarPlay
Though announced way back in March 2014, Apple's CarPlay software has remained elusive. With the exception of the Ferrari FF, the partnered automakers are still in the "coming soon" phase of their rollouts, and the aftermarket has remained mostly silent.
Mostly, that is, with the exception of Pioneer, who announced this summer that it would be bringing Apple CarPlay to the masses via its NEX series of multimedia receivers. Today, we take a look at the Pioneer's flagship AVIC 8000NEX, a fully featured navigation and multimedia receiver that is, so far, the only way to get CarPlay in your car short of buying a new Ferrari.
AVIC hardware, NEX software
The AVIC user interface starts
with a 7-inch capacitive touch display, where the driver and passengers
will have most of their interactions with the system. The screen runs at
a WVGA (800x480) resolution -- which sounds low in a world filled with
720p and 1080p smartphones, but isn't bad at all in practice. Graphics
for the various parts of the NEX and CarPlay interfaces are rendered
smoothly and sharply, but DVD video was just a bit pixelated.
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